Scalper Policy

Scalper Policy | The Card Table

Last updated: 20/1/2025


Unfortunately, the issue of "scalping" (individuals/ businesses buying any number of an already limited product(s), only to sell them on at an inflated price) is becoming more prominent in the trading card industry, with every new set that's released.

This is making the hobby less sustainable to those who get enjoyment from it.

The Card Table will put players' and collector's interests first, wherever possible, in an effort to ensure the games can still be enjoyed by the people they're designed for - fans.

This is why we take several steps to avoid selling to "scalpers":

- All purchases without an account with us will be limited to 2 of any item per order
- Throughout the year, we will review orders vs items advertised on 3rd party platforms. This may help us to ensure we do not give "scalpers" the opportunity to take advantage or players & collectors
- The Card Table reserves the right to cancel any orders where we suspect a "scalper" is involved. This decision can be appealed by contacting us
- Similarly, we reserve the right to refuse orders, or even close accounts, where we suspect a "scalper" is involved. Again, in these extreme instances, the decision can be appealed by contacting us

In these instances, the definition of "scalper" is determined by The Card Table. We never want to refuse or cancel orders, but our dedication to making the hobby sustainable & enjoyable for fans always takes priority.

The Card Table will always endevour to keep prices fair and will never increase them due to the prices of items being sold by "scalpers" at inflated prices. However, if our costs increase for any viable, unavoidable reason (inflation, supplier costs, shipping costs etc) our prices may increase. Your support & understanding in this matter is always greatly appreciated.

We will always aim to be transparent about these points, so if you have any questions, please get in touch.